Wednesday, December 30, 2009

If I open a Swiss numbered bank account can a large finance company in the United States track down that?

account and reposses those funds (i.e.) take the funds away from me for payment?If I open a Swiss numbered bank account can a large finance company in the United States track down that?
I don't know about a Swiss bank account, but I do have some knowledge of how off shore accounts in places such as the Cayman Islands work.

You can open these accounts, but they require a lot more verification then a US account. Here you can give your drivers license and SSN and get and account. In the Caymans you needed your passport, letters from a US banker who has known you for at least 2 years, and accountant and then some personal references.

Then the only person that can get information about your account would be the federal government, if they can show that the account is being used to hide money from illegal activities or laundering money.If I open a Swiss numbered bank account can a large finance company in the United States track down that?
I tend to disagree with the first poster. Some swiss accounts can be opened using only an account number, having no names associated with the account itself.

These accounts are usually expensive to open, requiring large deposit amounts, and some must be opened in person, making them difficult to acquire.

A separate solution would be to open an account in the name of a spouse or child and keep your money there.
Don't be so illegal! Pay your debts and you will feel so much better!
you can't just open up an account without a name...its not like the movies where you can just go to the bank get a number and leave.
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